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5 Helpful Tips for Marketing Your Website

Having a business or an organization without having an accompanying website is almost unheard of in the modern business world. Websites are a fantastic way for any potential customers, clients or otherwise interested parties to view the content you put out and be familiar with what it is you do exactly, be it a line of products or services. But a lot of the times, just having a website isn’t enough to help you achieve your objectives – you have to actively market it and promote your content to as many of your target audience as possible. And this is exactly what we’re here to help you do.

Here are 5 helpful tips to help you market your website:

1. Facebook Ads

Facebook is hands down the most popular social media platform in the current market. And with more than 2 billion active users, the marketing appeal is both extremely obvious and tempting. Facebook advertisements are a great way to reach your target audience, as their algorithms help you target people according to their location, their ‘likes’, the content their friends and peers ‘like’ and share and even their demographics. All these allow customer targeting and can really help you zero in on the people you’re seeking out.

Facebook’s service is not difficult to use and is quite cost-effective. You can set a daily budget, pay for clicks or even pay every time someone sees your advertisement. Google AdWords runs a similar model and can be just as effective if you are reluctant to use Facebook for whatever reason. The idea behind advertising on these platforms if you’re using their internet traffic without having to generate it, which in itself is a difficult achievement.

2. Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is one of the staples in any digital marketing course, and for good reason. SEO is essentially improving your website’s visibility in a search engine’s organic results, through optimizing your website with key phrases people are likely to search for. It makes a lot of sense – people rarely ever go past the first page of results when using a search engine.

SEO is not an easy process, however, and could take several months to begin to see results. It requires plenty of effort and investment. This process could be made easier by listing the help of a digital marketing agency. Bobby Taylor at Digitrio a digital marketing agency, explains that using good email follow up and help potential customers get to know you and increase the odds that they purchase from you.

3. Reciprocal Linking

Reciprocal linking is a big part of SEO, but is also generally important for organic growth. Having trusted websites that have a large following linking to your website improves your visibility in search engine results. A couple of ways to do this is guest blogging (featuring in another person’s blog, preferably one with a large number of followers who share the same interests as your target audience), forum posting (posting on famous forums linking back your own website) and news articles.

4. Interaction

If you market your website through various different social media platforms, make sure you take this opportunity to interact and receive feedback from your followers. Your followers are the easiest people to convert to potential buyers and can be the most useful in terms of market research and knowing what your target audience/customer base is looking for and how you can serve them. They also will be useful because through word of mouth, more of their friends and family will become familiar with your website. Therefore, it is very much encouraged that you interact with your followers as much as you possibly can.

5. Quality Content

Finally, and yes, it seems terribly obvious, but one way to help grow your website’s popularity is to produce quality content for it. That includes high-quality videos, blog posts, articles or whatever it is you use your website for. It’s easy to get caught up on advertising your website and gaining visibility but it’s important to not to lose focus and continue producing quality content that people want to see and share with others.

Digital marketing might seem pretty straightforward and quick. After all, you can technically market anything from the comfort of your own home wearing your favorite pair of jammies. Unfortunately, you still have to grind – you have to be creative, target the right people, give them what they want when they want it. It’s not nearly as easy as it seems. Hopefully, these tips and others can help you get a better sense and better idea of the challenge that lies ahead and what you can do to tackle it.

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