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5 Reasons Why Remote Work Will Outdo the Office in 2019

With technology advances like video calling, cloud-based productivity tools, instant messaging, and internet monitoring software, do remote workers must truly connect to traditional office space? Some companies fear that remote workers will not finish their work on time. Well, distant workers have dispelled these fears. Read on to find out the reasons why remote working will outdo office working in 2019 and why believes so.

Flexibility means diversity

Remote work is not necessarily just an option over the other. Flexible work can be a full-time job, but can also be part-time work or week-long work where employees have longer working hours (e.g., Monday to Thursday) and take a break on Friday. Another option is the work or independent contract where the employee chooses the projects that fit his or her program and needs.

Work remotely every day without realizing it

When you work through the screen of a computer anywhere in the world, you work remotely. As long as you have an internet connection, you do not have to be in the office. The technology has neutralized the benefits of office transfer with the help of computer monitoring software.

With video conferencing, project management based on cloud and CRM tools, and instant messaging, all you need today is your laptop. By definition, every mobile device is a remote work tool.

Easy recruitment

It has never been easier to hire and train external staff. For many new companies, recourse to external and contract workers is helping to increase the company’s breadth without putting financial resources under pressure. Employees can work on the project. Also, they can help to free your internal team for more important projects in your company.

Increase productivity and reduce costs

Remote workers often work more than 40 hours a week which you can control through HR monitoring software developed by A 9-month Stanford study of 16,000 call center employees found that remote workers increased productivity by 13 percent. In a 2015 study, 77{b96076133fe2223c8d05470fe9428b3312879515b4c32f98bade61cbd4879fe1} of employees expressed higher productivity by working outside the company.

Even if a business spends half of its working time working from home, it saves on average $11,000 a year. It is due to the reduction of general costs and expenses for mortgages and leases, cleaning services, office supplies, water expenses, office equipment, furniture, transfer subsidies, public services and other benefits of the office.

Count on less sick days

Research shows that employees who work from home fall sick less often. Even if they get sick during a traditional working day, they have the opportunity to do their work at the weekend. It is probably the reason why they are more loyal and have a better balance between work and family.

Nevertheless, remote workers can work when they are sick. They may not want to go to the office when their nose is dripping, keeping their colleagues from getting sick. Also, remote workers reduced absenteeism due to events such as medical appointments. They can get back to work quickly after the appointment rather than worry about the whole day off.

The reasons mentioned above are enough to justify what, why and how effective tools are beneficial to track your employees using such software.

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