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5 Smart Strategies to Market Your Business as a Major Resource

Everybody wants to be a “good guy” in the world of business.

The charitable, smart company that feels more like a helpful resource instead of someone trying to pry cash customers’ hands.

Think about Google. They’re known for their positive company culture, an endless array of free tools for businesses and record-setting donations to charity.

While you may not be able to be the next Google, you can take steps to become a better business in the eyes of your customers.

Achieving that sort of status doesn’t happen by accident, though. No matter how much you might want to help your customers, it takes a conscious and consistent effort to gain that sort of “good guy” label.

Despite popular belief, though, making your business look more like a resource and less like a cash-grab isn’t all that complicated. Consider the following five strategies to emphasize a more positive, meaningful relationship with new and existing customers alike.

Educate Your Audience

Addressing your audience’s pain points and teaching people how to overcome them is the first step from removing the sense of a sales pitch from your marketing.

The good news? There are so many opportunities to become a resource to your audience thanks to the modern web. From creating animated explainer videos for your business to blogging or publishing content in groups on social media, you can find ways to educate prospects that suits your strengths.

Another smart strategy for modern brands is answering questions on platforms such as Quora. This is an especially powerful tactic if you want to get a better grasp on what’s troubling your audience and what sort of content you need to create.

Push Out More Content

The more content you publish and promote, you more visible you become in your industry. Such visibility can help you stand tall over your competitors and again signal yourself as someone offering a helping hand.

This means developing a content strategy rather than posting every now and then. In addition to creating content, you always need to spread the word through as many channels as possible. For example, you turning your blog posts into videos? Are you republishing your content on Medium or LinkedIn?

These tactics don’t require much legwork on your part but can open you open to entirely new audiences.

As a side note, remember that not all of your content necessarily needs to be “sales” or optimized. Not everything needs a call-to-action or result in revenue, especially if it helps build your positive reputation.

Be Socially Active

Social media has lowered the barrier for people getting in contact with the businesses they love and support. As such, you need to treat social media as an avenue to stay in touch with your customers. This might mean answering questions, offering suggestions or otherwise promoting content that could help them out (even if it’s not your own).

An active social presence is not only a smart way to connect with customers but also makes you look more professional than a competitor that’s let their social profiles fall by the wayside.

Additionally, serially commenting on the LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter activity of influencers in your industry can earn you mention yourself. Again, this gets you in the good graces of your audiences and helps you deliver a sort of “larger than life” persona.

Show Off Your Satisfied Clients

Highlighting your clients’ good experiences is always a plus, but it’s arguably one of the most powerful pieces of marketing for brands looking to make a good first impression. Understanding how to show off testimonials for brands is a solid starting point as you display the positive relationships you’ve had in the past.

Any positive comment, whether it be something formally or a passing comment on a social post, serves as social proof that you’ve made a difference in people’s lives.

Create Resources for Your Audience

Last but not least, presenting yourself as a resource means creating resources.

For brands today, such resources come in many shapes and sizes. Perhaps the most obvious examples include lead magnets and freebies such as…

Of course, the key here is not to be pushy about your paid products. Be willing to give something away for free in pursuit of playing the long-game for your brand’s reputation.

Prove that your business is more than just a business. Incorporating these strategies can not only set you apart from the crowd but signal yourself as a positive resource in your industry.

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