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6 Tips For Choosing The Right Freight Forwarding Software

6 Tips For Choosing The Right Freight Forwarding Software

When we talk about the world of logistics, we cannot ignore how it evolved over the past years. At the same time, working in logistics has never been more challenging than it is today. Even though these are the facts, it remains one of the most important industries. In other words, almost all business operations rely on some sort of logistics to operate successfully. Digitalisation is gaining momentum in logistics as many tools are used to improve efficiency. One of those tools is freight forwarding systems. But, the key is in choosing the right one. Let’s see how you can choose the right one.

Know what your business is all about

What may work for one business owner you know, may not be an ideal choice for your business. That’s why you have to understand your business needs. Before you even start considering a subscription to a new tool, you have to address your current logistics processes. What are your current challenges? Or, current requirements or needs? Is it better shipment tracking or data insight and reporting? When you analyze your needs and specify your pain points, it will influence your decision and guide you in choosing the right software.

Easy to integrate

Every business has a standard set of practices, SOPs, tools and other digital solutions in their day-to-day business. When choosing the right freight forwarding software, you need to assess its integration capabilities. Seamless integration with your existing systems is crucial for a smooth workflow. Make a list of tools you may use daily like ERP, CRM, and accounting software and ask the provider if these can be integrated with the solution you’re interested in.

It serves you even when you scale your business

Every business is bound to grow at some point. You can start small, but you won’t plan to remain a small business for long. At some point, you’ll have to scale your business. The best approach is to choose software that can grow as you grow. Choose a solution that can scale to accommodate increased shipment volumes, additional users, and expanded functionalities. Even if you have to outsource to national freight carriers, the right freight management software can be easily integrated with other tools. It’s all about choosing the right software that you won’t outgrow as you continue growing as a business.

Easy navigation and intuitive design

When choosing software for your business, you need to be aware of who will be using that tool. This decision has to make the lives of your employees easier, not harder. Your operations have to keep running smoothly, so ensure the learning curve will be as swift as possible. Prioritise features and benefits, but don’t overlook how user-friendly the interface is. Make sure your employees can navigate it quickly and get used to its features without extensive training.

Real-time tracking feature

One of the biggest advancements in logistics is the ability to track freight in real time. In a highly competitive world, one of the ways to have the edge is to offer visibility to your customers. Not only that, but you need to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction. Look for this feature when choosing software as it allows both you and your customers to track their shipment whenever they need the info.

Automated documentation

The days of keeping documents across shared drives and attaching them through emails are in the past if you can automate it. When documentation is automated all in one place, you become more efficient and reduce the room for error. We all know how documentation is a critical aspect of freight forwarding, so using software that can automatically generate documents is a time-saver. Not only that, but it also reduces errors to a minimum because you won’t forget to fill out a document as it will be automatically generated.

The only way to ensure your business is a success is to find ways to grow with it. Growth is observed when you begin thinking of ways to adapt, improve and become more efficient. Deciding to enhance your logistics operations can only further support and drive your business growth. Choose a tool or software that can be seamlessly integrated into your day-to-day and also embraced by your team. That’s the only way to keep on thriving in the world of logistics.

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