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The manner by which business reach out to attract their base of the target audience is evolving, with digital marketing being in the forefront. Digital marketing is reforming at an unbelievable scale with every year bringing new technology and setting up benchmarks for marketers to upscale their game. A prominent digital marketing tool of marketers to expand their brand’s reach is via social media handles.

No one can deny that social media presence matters in this time and age. If you own a business or are operating it, not having a social media handle under your business’s name could hurt your brand gravely. This is especially critical to those growing businesses whose primary concern is to attract the right audience.

Per the Blue corona statistics, 61{b96076133fe2223c8d05470fe9428b3312879515b4c32f98bade61cbd4879fe1} of small businesses invest in social media marketing.  Unless you are living under a  rock, you’re more than just familiar with the versatility of Facebook, which has now become more than only a means to connect to long lost friends and relatives.

Facebook has developed into a useful marketing tool. Per Hootsuite, some 20 million people use Facebook Messenger to communicate with customers, and more than 5 million businesses are actively using paid advertising on Facebook. Facebook marketing if done judiciously can yield a significant positive result for the business. With Facebook marketing, your business will get the maximum global exposure without having to pay a hefty sum. Facebook is a platform where business and consumer can do a quick chat and proceed to resolve their grievances, provide feedback. Prompt replies promote engagement and brand loyalty. Using Facebook as a lead marketing channel can also help boost your web traffic, as done by a leading e-commerce website. Per statistical reports by Hootsuite, a  whopping 95.8 percent of social media marketers say Facebook delivers the best ROI among the social networks.

But small business mostly underestimates the power of Facebook marketing and end up committing grave mistake with the business profile such as:


Small businesses are of the belief that setting up a Facebook page is all that is needed to gain recognition and attract their target audience. No, consumers are not going to find you all by themselves. You will have to let go of the “set it and forget it” strategy. You will have to invest a considerable amount of time creating it, staying connected with the existing followers, updating it and reviewing it on a regular interval of time.


This is one of the most common mistakes done by naive business owners. Some of the common violation observed as done by businesses who don’t give enough time to read and understand the gravity of these terms and condition are: converting your profile into a business page instead of creating a Facebook business page. Then there is no death of businesses spamming unsuspecting customers by tagging them in a plethora of products and services posts. These mistakes will destroy your brand’s image, and you will end up losing your existing consumer base.


Being regular with your posts, to keep your consumers hooked is one thing but pestering with ten posts in a day is downright annoying. You need to find a perfect balance between the number of posts required to keep your audience engaged and simultaneously attract new customers.

Business, regardless of their size, big or small, must have a Facebook presence to leverage this cost-effective yet highly lucrative marketing tool.

It would be beneficial if instead of trying to figure out your way about Facebook marketing, you consult a Hubspot Certified Inbound Marketing, whose experts will make sure you hit the bull’s eye with effective social media marketing strategies per your business’s requirement. Outsourcing these services will help you concentrate better on your business’s objectives.

Get in touch, today to know how can your budding business steer towards success.

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