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How to Improve Internal Search Box’s User Experience?

A search box may seem to be a minor feature on your website. However, it is an integral part of the overall user experience and has a huge impact on your visitors’ experience on your site. It enhances your site’s usability. It requires something more than installing a search function on your website. Here are 3 tips to help improve the search user experience on your site.

1.  Position

In order to deliver great user experience, it is important that the search box is positioned in a place that easy to spot. You don’t want your visitors to have to ‘search’ for the search bar. It should be positioned on the top right or top left space on all the pages on your site. It is also important that the search bar stands out from the other content.

2. Search Input Field

Make sure that the input field is properly sized and not too small. The entire text should be visible when the user types a query. It should make it easier for the user to review their queries. It is commonly seen that search boxes have small input fields that don’t display the entire text.

3. Auto-Suggestion

Studies show that most users have difficulty coming up with proper queries. In fact, they are highly likely to give up after a failed first attempt. It is recommended to include an auto-suggestion feature that suggests relevant queries to simplify and speed up the search process. Including filters, such as those provided by WPSOLR, further simplify the process.

It is recommended that every website should have the search function. You should also ensure that your website has a well-designed search box with the right features to provide a great user experience.  So make sure to follow the above-mentioned tips when designing a search feature or installing a search box plugin.

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