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How To Introduce New Technology In the Workplace

In business introducing new technology and software can seem like a great idea, and often it is. For example, if you were to decide on invoice management software, some of the advantages would be cost-savings, error reduction and improved efficiency.

However, the benefits might not be as appealing to employees, especially ones who may be resistant to change.

Employees can feel overwhelmed by the concept of new technology and sometimes they might even feel as if it’s going to make their job harder or replace them.

The following are some ways to effectively introduce new technology in the workplace in a way that’s not going to overwhelm employees or frustrate them.

Prepare for Problems

When new software is introduced, it might lead to some problems for employees. These problems are likely going to be related to the fact that they’re unsure of how to use it.

Anticipate these problems and plan for how they’ll be dealt with well in advance of actually introducing the software or technology.

It’s good to introduce training before you actually launch the technology or platform as well.

Your employees need to know how they can get support quickly and easily once the rollout starts happening too.

What a lot of businesses do that are successful with new software or technology rollouts is put a team in charge of the entire process and transition. This gives employees an easy place to turn when they do need help or guidance. Even once the implementation part of the process is over, this team can still be in charge of making sure employees are taking full advantage of the technology.

Start Slow

When you’re a business leader and you’re excited about introducing new technology, you might rush the implementation. That can lead to frustration and a lack of understanding on the part of employees. It’s better to take your time and gradually implement the new technology.

You don’t have to introduce all the capabilities of new technology right away.  Let employees get comfortable step-by-step.

Create Clear and Defined Roles

With the introduction of new software, roles can change or evolve. Let employees know well ahead of time and be transparent if you expect this to happen.

Going back to the original example of automated invoice management software—this might create a lot of big changes in terms of how your finance team works and what’s expected of them.

Let them know to go into it that this will be the case and define what their new roles will be. If you don’t do, these employees are likely to feel like you’re trying to leave them out of the loop or hide something.

Finally, you should also set metrics and benchmarks that will let employees know what’s expected of them through the implementation of the new software. For example, if you automate invoice processing, how much do you expect invoice processing times to speed up? If employees know the objectives, they’re more likely not just to feel comfortable with the rollout, but they’re also more likely to take full advantage of the software.

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