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Know the Types of Existing e-Commerce

In this post, we will define the types of existing e-commerce; first, we will start with those defined by the profile of those involved.

1 – Business to Business (B2B)

In this model, we have companies (Legal Entities) conducting sales processes for other companies. Normally, B2B deals with a higher volume of items on sale and also has a greater concern with delivery. In addition, the company involved needs to have a larger inventory capacity and a well-structured logistics sector. Values and agility in the delivery process should be thought to offer your customers values that go to the eyes. Good examples of this are companies that sell cleaning products, electronic market and office furniture, for example.

2 – Business to Customer (B2C)

It is the best known and most popular model of e-commerce, being carried out between Companies (Legal Entities) and Consumers (Individuals).

One should be concerned with the information and details of the product, extolling the benefits and utilities of the product.

This makes the consumer more likely to buy, than only with trivial information and values.

There is no need for the physical store and stock, and depending on the market for performance, the profit margin is low.

Many physical companies use e-commerce as a secondary tool, offering more convenience to the consumer. If you also want to add e-commerce as a secondary tool for your business, then look for Multi Programming e-commerce services.

3 – Costumer to Costumer (C2C)

Here we have consumers selling to consumers through online platforms.

In such a platform there is the mediation between consumer offers for consumers, being better known as Market Place.

The biggest examples of this are platforms like Free Market and E-bay.

4 – Costumer to Business (C2B)

Undoubtedly it is the most unusual and the most improbable model in the minds of many people because in it we have consumers making offers for companies.

Individuals place their requirements, products or services on a platform and companies pay for it.

A great example and one of the most used are the publishing houses where photographers and designs publish their materials and many entrepreneurs pay for it.

5 – Business to Government (B2G) or Business to Administration (B2A)

Here we have companies conducting transactions for governments and public administration.

In this model, there are some peculiarities, as it depends on rules and laws and it is necessary to go through public bidding processes.

Here we do not have a model just for this but a specific transaction, due to the governmental requirements for such a process.

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