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Make your website mobile friendly with these easy steps

The way we research information, shop and even communicate has drastically changed over the last decade. There are no applications available that help global communication easier and are abundant and tailored to different people and environments. We can now shop online at our own convenience without leaving the house and have it all delivered to our doorstep. Technology has evolved so much over the years that not only has it infiltrated how our children are taught at schools, but businesses looking to have an edge over the competition and interact with their customers to build a special relationship. As more people use their mobile devices for more than just communicating, it is important for websites to be able to cater for such users. Mobile friendly websites need to be designed, developed and optimized around such users. A website needs to be clean and clear, easy to use and navigate for all ages as well as have ways to interact live with those who visit.

Get a responsive design for your site

The first pointer is to use a responsive design for your website that will be able to detect what mobile device and screen size a user accessing your website is using. The site will then be able to respond accordingly, and users will have access to the information without text and pictures cutting off. Giving your website a responsive design is recommended by Google and is great for search engine optimization (SEO). If your site is not mobile friendly, it will drop in Google rankings and no business wants to be on the second page of the search. Your users are more likely to stay longer and browse what your site is offering if it is more accessible on a mobile device. The mobile version of the website must also be optimized to accommodate touchscreen users, with a navigation button to be used when browsing through the site.

Quality images for your site

Hi-resolution images are important when using responsive design because it allows your users to view crisp and clear pictures. Because mobile devices have high definition screens, pictures are more likely to appear blurry or pixelate if they are of poor quality so hi-resolution images will help avoid this. Resize the hi-resolution image to decrease its file size and still retain its quality. The lower side of the image will allow users to load the website quicker without messing with the quality they are able to view on their mobile devices. There are resizing tools available that will assist as well as tools to reduce the size of the image’s resolution until a balance is found between adequate quality to allow mobile friendly accessibility and quality. Check for the pixels of the image and whether it will be suitable for the website depending on what the image will be used for. If your site has text and pictures that is too tiny to read and view, users may get impatient and frustrated, then exit your site and not return.

Be finger friendly

To increase mobile friendliness for your website, keep in mind that because of small screens, space is limited. So, have your main content where it’s visible and will load quickly enough so users don’t leave out of impatience. The main content should not be long and just have enough to interest the user to continue browsing the site. That is why your site must also be finger friendly with all the main information accessible at just the swipe of a thumb. Most users view websites on the go or while multi-tasking, so make the experience easier. The mobile user interface must be designed to take advantage of the user and the idea that because they might be accessing the site while on the move, that nothing slows down their browsing. Buttons must be placed strategically and must be around 57 pixels wide for their thumb to navigate easily.

How to use the site

Always have an option for a guide in the form of an arrow or short tutorial about how to use the website. This is because the mobile version of the website might appear a little different than the desktop version. An easy guide or tutorial about where the login, menu, products, frequently asked questions and checkout.

Filling in forms

If users need to fill in forms on your mobile version of the website, the answer fields must be spacious enough and easy to fill in. Whether the form is for general inquiries, book or purchase, the pages must be correctly linked so that no errors occur. You can also reduce the number of fields that need to be filled in, only leaving an option for contact details or email address.

What not to block on your site

Do not block Javascript, HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) from working on your site. This is because it makes it harder for search engines such as Google to gain access to the site and check if it’s optimal to use. Doing so might lead to lower search rankings because search engines can’t view what the user will see on your site and this is not the desired result. Many sites have options for their users to download the application to browse and give them an optimal experience. If you want to redirect your users to download the application, put it up as an option but do not force them to download it. If there is no alternative, this may lead to loss of visitors to your site.

Now that your site is mobile friendly, the journey and hard work do not stop here. To make your site easier to find on search engines as well as make your visitors happy and more than willing to return, contact an SEO consultant for assistance. Livelong Digital Marketing Agency has experienced SEO consultants in Perth, Brisbane, and Melbourne to assist.

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