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Points to Remember When Choosing a Web Hosting Provider

Choosing a web hosting provider always looks an easy job but caters diverse problems if looked in detail. From choosing the right pricing plan to great hosting features, there are multiple things to look at when going for a hosting service. Because it is such a platform which gives your web application wings and makes it perform according to what is desired.

Today, there are many web hosting providers available in the market, claiming great inbuilt features to skyrocket your apps on the internet. But most of the times, these big boasting claims are only intended for selling services cunningly. Hence, it is advised to go through the research process multiple times when going to opt a web hosting.

So, below are the few points you should always look after when opting any hosting service. As these few things will let you decide perfectly what the particular hosting is all about and whether it will fulfill your application needs on the internet.

Know What Your Needs Are

Before opting any web hosting for PHP platform, be sure about what your web application needs are. If you are going to host a small/medium sized website than shared hosting might be the best choice for you. It’s simple, handy and quite easy to deploy your application with.

While if you have built an enterprise level application which requires maximum server resources, dedicated hosting might suit as the perfect option for that. Dedicated servers fit perfect for those web applications which requires maximum hosting resources all the time. Their ever-growing web traffic requires such platforms which consist of top-notch hardware and optimum network speed. Together with having these, your application can enjoy flawless web performance with optimized server resources.

Storage & RAM

The most questionable term when opting any web hosting service is the Storage & RAM. It is one of the core features you should emphasize when selecting any hosting platform. It is often seen that many individuals without knowing the basics of Storage & RAM capacity, opt a web hosting service and later find themselves in big trouble.

Knowing the storage need for your application, you should always look up for a hosting which offers SSD storage. Solid state drives (SSD) are said much faster and reliable than the conventional ones, providing substantial space for all your application needs. Though they come at a higher price but offers seamless data storage experience.

While faster RAMs in the hosting works similar as it does in personal computers. It lessens the processing time of the stored data, increasing the load speed of your application. Therefore, making a hosting choice with good RAM speed is another factor you should always have an eye on.

Server Reliability & Uptime Score

Having zero downtime and 99{b96076133fe2223c8d05470fe9428b3312879515b4c32f98bade61cbd4879fe1} uptime score is what you should first look in a web hosting service. Because everyone one of us would love to have his website up and running on the internet 24×7 days a week. And for that, we should wisely choose a web hosting service that reputes for it.

Nowadays, having 99{b96076133fe2223c8d05470fe9428b3312879515b4c32f98bade61cbd4879fe1} uptime score has become a norm, and anything below it is simply regarded unacceptable. There are multiple sources to check any hosting’s uptime score. You can use different monitoring tools to track the uptime information, letting you know completely about the server metrics and detailed web performance.


Security is another factor you should keep in focus while selecting any web hosting service. As nowadays, frequent web attacks have become a major threat to the internet world. Many hosting platforms boast about having optimum security mechanisms, yet doesn’t comprise of basic architecture.

That is why, it is advised to always take note of the hosting security very seriously. According to a survey, more than 40{b96076133fe2223c8d05470fe9428b3312879515b4c32f98bade61cbd4879fe1} of the websites are exploited due to lack of hosting security. Having vulnerability in the hosting platform easily precedes malicious web attacks, causing a hefty compromise in data and information.

So always be sure that your hosting provider comprises of features like platform-level firewalls, monitoring tools, security add-ons, SSL certificates, and other major web-protection features. Having these few security features, a web hosting can be taken as a trusted platform for deploying web applications.

Hosting Support

Last but not least, support plays a major role in defining any hosting’s professional legitimacy. A good hosting platform always provides 24×7 support to its valued customers. It is one of the core features of any web hosting, as there are ever-growing queries of technical issues and other related problems among the customers.

Whether you want to get any help regarding the billing support or want to have some assistance from the technical person, the support staff should always be there 24×7 days a week. Therefore, always look up for a hosting that is reputed for its support and provides timely assistance when needed for emerging problems.

Final Words

So, these were some of the core features you should always keep in mind when opting a web hosting service. A hosting platform is defined by the togetherness of these features. As it ensures optimum support for your web application and provides a quality platform to function properly.

Today, we have multiple web hosting options available, but taking in regard these few features will help you find the best one for your application. Whether you want to deploy an e-commerce store or want to host a simple blog, the few points defined above will assist you to nominate the best web hosting platform among the many available.

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