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Privacy Policy

We at BestHostingPro value of the privacy of our readers and members, which is why we comply strictly with all the privacy guidelines that are laid down by the U.S. information security and privacy laws. Our privacy policies are designed to better serve our readers and publishers alike, where we follow strict guidelines on how the Personal Identifiable Information of our members are being used over the internet.

Personally Identifiable Information includes their names, contact information, location, etc. We request you to take some time to read our privacy policies so that you can clearly understand how the data is being collected, protected, and used on our website.

What kind of personal information do you collect from our visitors?

We do not take any kind of information from our unregistered users.

What kind of personal information do we collect from our registered users?

All the information that we collect from our registered users are the ones that they enter while registering for an account with us. Those details help us in providing a better experience and timely support to our members.

How is your information used on BestHostingPro?

We collect your information when you take actions like signing up for our newsletters, making a purchase, or while registering for an account on our website. We use the information to personalize the contents, as per your choices and preferences. Basically, it helps in improving the user experiences on our blog.

What other steps taken by BestHostingPro to protect your information?

BestHostingPro is exclusively an information source, where we collect some of your personal information in order to provide you with the topics that you are particularly interested in. However, we never take any banking information like your credit card numbers.

The data that we collect are checked regularly with vulnerability scanning, as per the advanced security standards. Additionally, we also run updated malware scanning in order to ensure that the data of our members are not compromised at any point of time.

We do not provide SSL encryption feature on our blog, because we are primarily the source of information, and not a products or services company. As a visitor, you will not have to provide us with any kind of information whatsoever.

Does BestHostingPro use cookies?

As a rule, we never use cookies to track the online activities of our visitors for members. To be on the safer side, you can also block the cookies on your browser as well. However, you might not be able to get the best experiences on some of the features, if you block the session cookies completely. You can manually delete the cookies at the end of the session.

Do we share or sell your personal information to any third-parties?

As a rule, we never sell or share the Personal Identifiable Information of our registered members to any individuals or entities outside BestHostingPro.

What are the policies of Third-party links on BestHostingPro?

At BestHostingPro we do not include Third-party links of services or products on our website. However, we may plan to use Google Ads catering services on our blog. They use these advertising catering services to provide a better experience to the readers, by publishing highly relevant links on the pages. To learn more about the Google advertisement policies, you can visit Here again, we never use or provide any personal information about our members.

How do we protect the privacies of children in BestHostingPro?

The United States Federal Trade Commission enforces and monitors the implementation of COPPA laws in order to provide safety and privacy to children online. We strictly comply with COPPA laws that are laid down for protecting the privacies of children visiting the websites. To start with, any children of ages below 13 will not be able to register as a member on our website. Moreover, any of our marketing strategies are not targeted towards children below 13 years of age.

About changes in privacy policies:

Our privacy policies are in line with all the US privacy laws and data protection laws. They are responsible for enforcing the protection of data around the world. If there is any kind of data breach, then we might have to take responsive actions, but inside the framework of Fair Information Practices.

In there are any changes in policies, you will be informed about it on Email, within one week of policy change. Please feel free to write to us if you have any question regarding our privacy policies. Our Email ID is

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