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Reasons Your Instagram Engagement Is Going Down

Hey Instagrammers!

If you feel like you are losing your real Instagram followers and your growth on Instagram is stuck, then you are just like the rest of us. When it comes to Instagram, it is not enough to post content and hope for the desired results. Your audience should be consistently interacting with your posts by commenting, liking and sharing.

The marketers and businesses, first of all, start posting content at a different time when they realize that their Instagram account is not growing. But before implementing a solution, it is imperative to understand the reason why your Instagram engagement is going down.

Why your Instagram engagement is declining?

With the growing popularity of Instagram more and more businesses are working to build their presence on this incredible platform. But it is a fact that it is not easy to expand your following. Social Media users less likely tap “follow” button on Instagram than Twitter and Facebook etc. It can be frustrating especially for businesses and brands. Many brands end up questioning whether it is a platform worth for the businesses or not.

Now let’s have a look at what are the reasons for the decline of your Instagram engagement:

Consistency is the key to expanding your following on Instagram. To plateau your engagement on Instagram you need to create more content and schedule it for consistency. When the number of your Instagram followers reaches in the 5 or 6 digits mark, you should invest even more in your content. To better categorize you should create a content calendar when you post and what will you post.

Instagram relies heavily on captions that means captions are the second most important thing that should be resonating with the followers. The use of strong captions immediately grabs the attention of your followers while as the weak captions that do not support your images turn your followers away.  So, make sure you use string and attractive captions to keep the audience engaged.

It is Social Media after all. When you don’t bother to respond to your audience’s comments, they stop interacting with you. Your response to their comments shows that you give value to them and their feedback is essential for your business. When you upload content on Instagram, you send a message to you and to the Instagram algorithm that you are open to discussion. Start a conversation with the audience and provide insightful comments to extend the debate. Never be rude to your followers on Social Media as it may turn your potential buyer away.

The users have plenty of options on Social Media. They are not getting unique and exciting things to see on your feed; they will more likely unfollow you. You need to show off more of your personality and take some risks with your content. Remember, not everything is meant to be posted on your profile. Rather than running behind the quantity upload quality content.

You have a few seconds to grab the attention of the audience as they have dozens of things to see on their Instagram account. So, do not let this opportunity go and use more CTAs in the caption and bio. You do not tell your followers that there is a business behind your Insta account. How are they supposed to know?  A call to action directs the audience what to do next. For example asking the followers to like, comment, share and tag a friend are good CTAs.

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