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SEO Tips & Tricks

The internet is taking over almost every sector in the industry. The business sector, for example, is one of the primary beneficiaries of this great tool. Today, websites have been turned into online stores. As a result, many businesses have seen sales grow dramatically. However, not every company lives to enjoy an increase in sales because of a website.

The core function of a website is to attract traffic. That’s where SEO comes into play. Your customers need to find you in the search engines. Search engine optimization (SEO) helps in boosting ranking on every search engine. A strong SEO means that your site will get free traffic. Therefore, without saying much, here are some SEO tricks that you should have at your fingertips.

1. Make your content presentable

The presentation is critical when it comes to having an SEO optimized site. Website designers will always tell you that no visitor is willing to spend time going through a poorly organized content. Therefore, you must make your content easy to read. Remember, you’re dealing with humans here and not robots.

You can start by making the paragraphs short and use simple language. Many readers find long articles tiring and boring. The high chances are that a reader may close a page with long pages sooner than expected. You can include sub-headers or use bullet points in between the paragraphs. The tip helps in breaking the boredom which may discourage your visitors from going through your content. Also, remember to edit your content as it helps in showing your audience how profession you’re with the work.

2. Utilize the power of social media

Social media has provided people with a chance to share info to the world quickly. Currently, there are many social media platforms and that one can utilize to the maximum. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are popular and have a wide audience. If you’re not registered on all of them, you are missing a lot. Social media can be used to share your content. Sharing buttons have become a vital part of SEO. Social signals are also a ranking signal. Today, tweets are also indexed. Therefore, you must utilize the power of social media to get your content more attention.

3. Design mobile-friendly websites

The advancements in tech have seen mobile phones take over almost every sector. Although many people term these small devices addictive, you can’t ignore the fact that they play a vital role in people’s lives. Today, you can do almost everything using a phone. Not long ago, a study showed that about 80 percent of people access sites via a smartphone. Therefore, you must ensure that your website favors them. Come up with mobile-friendly sites to ensure that even the smartphone users have no problem accessing.

4. Page speed is essential

Have you ever tried opening a page and it took like forever to open? How does it feel? Of course, the experience is usually frustrating. You may even think that you’re out of data bundles. But, it’s after you try opening a different site that you realize the previous website had a problem. A recent study showed that almost every customer is likely to close a website that’s taking longer to open. Instead, they opt to try a competing site.

Therefore, you must ensure that your site’s speed is in check. You must understand that page speed is a ranking factor. With better performance, your website is likely to experience more visits and conversions. To improve speed in your site, you can optimize the size of your images. Images, when not optimized, can slow down your site as they take time to load. Also, you can remove junk plug-ins in your pages. This trick among many others helps in ensuring that your site loads fast.

5. More and more content

The core function of a website is converting traffic into customers. Many visitors come to your site in search of info that they find interesting. Therefore, you must ensure that you stuff your site with content. Professional website designers will tell you that content is vital when it comes to defining a successful site.

More and more content means that your site will be stuffed with keywords and which means it will receive high rankings. Any SEO company can assist you to come up with keywords that match with your line of business. Remember, the idea here isn’t only more content, but content that your visitors may find helpful and engaging.

6. Backlinks

Google also uses the number of links associated with your sites as a determiner when it comes to giving rankings. The more the backlinks, the better the rankings. Therefore, you must invest in backlinking your sites. You can ask fellow website owners to have links of your site on their site. The trick helps in winning the traffic magically. However, you must ensure that the sites you engage with are somewhat related to your field.


The first step towards achieving a successful website is having it optimized. The six tips given in the article can help you get the job done. Read through all of them and see how easy the process can be. However, you need to understand that it may take time to witness results. But, it’s worth waiting. The benefits are endless.

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