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Six Things to Consider When Choosing a VPN Provider

Over the past few decades, cases of cyber-attacks have been on the rise. Big companies and individuals have lost loads of sensitive data to the so-called hackers. As a result, people are now on high alert when it comes to the use of the internet. Many people now understand that they can quickly lose their online privacy by connecting to the internet.

Today, a virtual private network (VPN) is the best solution for online data and privacy issues. There are many VPN providers in the market. Thus, picking the right provider can be a bit hectic. Without saying much, here are six tips that can help you select the best service provider.

1. Cost

Hotstickybun always insist that you should first consider cost when it comes to choosing the right VPN provider. Today, there are many VPN providers in the market. Every provider offers a different deal. Therefore, you must go through all the available choices, to arrive at an option that meets your budget. Never make the mistake of picking a provider based on the cheap. Instead, focus on a provider that meets all your security needs and has the best price. VPN packages range from $5-$20 per month. It’s advisable to pay the fee annually because the price is usually lower as compared to the monthly subscriptions.

2. Number of servers

Nothing is frustrating than having a slow connection. The scenario is typical when using a VPN. Why are some VPN providers faster than others? Well, it’s all about the number of servers. When choosing a VPN, ask yourself, how many servers does it have? A faster VPN provider will always have thousands of servers spread across the world. The many servers enable one to have a fast and reliable connection no matter the geographic location. This tip is essential for individuals who happen to travel a lot.

3. Protocols

When it comes to picking the right VPN, internet protocols should be among the first things to consider. You must be sure that the VPN’s services are supported by protocols such as SSL, L2TP, and IPsec among many others. For example, if you intend to use the VPN to streaming sites such as Netflix, PPTP is well suited. Some VPN protocols are more secure than others. Besides, some protocols offer reliable and faster download speeds than others. Therefore, you must ensure that your VPN provider has secure and fast protocols.

4. Number of devices allowed

When it comes to online privacy, you should consider all the devices that you use to connect to the internet. Your phone or Xbox can get you vulnerable to hacking. Therefore, when choosing a VPN package, you should consider the number of devices it can support at one given time. Online security experts always insist that one should go with a provider that allows at least five devices. This option allows one to use the VPN services simultaneously with the opportunity to remove or add other devices when the need arises.

5. Log information

What is the primary purpose of a VPN? It’s to keep your browsing private and secure. Therefore, when choosing a VPN provider, you need to check if it keeps a log of the browsing history. Some providers store the log info and thus excluding the sole purpose of the VPN. Always choose a VPN provider that doesn’t keep logs. Remember, these logs can be stolen and used to your disadvantage.

6. Server locations

Many people who subscribe to VPN services are from countries such as Saudi Arabia, Syria, and China because of the restrictive internet rules. The VPNs enables a user to visit Geo-restricted sites such as Pandora, Hulu, and Netflix among many others. Therefore, if you intend to use the VPN to bypass restrictive internet rules, you must ensure that the VPN provider isn’t based in your country or a friend to your country. It’s usually a challenge to get info about a particular user when there are hostile borders involved.

Over the past few decades, cases of cyber thefts have been on the rise. As a result, internet users are now cautious to avoid falling prey of the ruthless hackers. The use of VPNs is the best way to ensure online security and privacy. The number of VPN providers in the market is high and hence making it difficult for internet users to create a wide selection. With the list provided in this article, you can narrow down your decisions to the perfect provider.

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