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Ten Reasons Why Your Business Should Go Remote in 2019

Everything around us is changing: how we communicate and express ourselves, how we live our lives. When it comes to how the work gets done, everything changes too. We are firmly sure that distance work offers many benefits for our customers and employees. Here are the ten reasons why there is a need to make the business go remote in 2019 and the benefits of efficient lab tools

Remote workers are productive

According to a Connect Solutions survey, 30{b96076133fe2223c8d05470fe9428b3312879515b4c32f98bade61cbd4879fe1} of employees said they had done more in less time after they started working remotely.

Remote workers will be less tensed

Workers enjoy more of their work when working remotely, rather than having to work in a typical brick and mortar office.

Reduced employee income and work attrition rates

For the various business needs such as new project, hiring employees, deploying the code and reviewing the contract of sales amongst other things, slack has got you covered.

Workers tend to stay longer if they get the opportunity to work remotely. If you have good employees for a long time, companies do not have to find great people on a regular basis.

Reduced overall costs

The recruitment and management of virtual workers associates with lower overall costs, e.g., office tenancy, facility maintenance, IT infrastructure costs, office equipment costs, and other costs required to manage a physical business office.

Better connectivity with a remote working structure

Believe it or not, remote workers are more involved in using technology such as INC 5000 than the traditional approach of having a physical meeting or seeking help to do their job effectively.

Millions of talents are even more attractive for remote work

According to the Harvard Business Review, 68{b96076133fe2223c8d05470fe9428b3312879515b4c32f98bade61cbd4879fe1} of job seekers have stated for thousands of years that an option to work remotely would greatly increase interest in certain employers. Having young and talented people means a more enthusiastic, energetic and flexible workforce with technological knowledge.

Healthier approach with remote work

According to the UK National Statistics Office, employees are less satisfied with life; it makes less sense that their daily activities are worth it, less satisfaction and, on average, more fear than non-travelers. Remote workers are better than their counterparts, who travel every day and promote a lower carbon footprint, making them happier.

Remote places are better than an office in bricks and walls

Remote workers can work from outside the comfort of their homes. It is possible almost everywhere where creativity, commitment, and quality work are of prime importance.

Remote work creates new openings

A new approach to the working structure also enables new openings in the organization. We will see great collaboration between HR, IT and Facility Management, with efficient lab tools and new roles, will be created as a “Workplace Director” to enable an agile and flexible work environment.

Remote work promotes the compatibility of work and private life

If workers are not required to be in a physical office, it means that they can do their work close to their loved ones without compromising the quality of their work.

Providing a full-time job with a flexible work option is possible. Significant work takes up a large part of our lives. It is in our hands to make the work of our employees flexible, attractive, exciting, creative and satisfying.

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