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The Truth About Managed Virtual Private Servers

VPS is a virtual private server managed by an internet hosting service. Several VPS can be connected to a single computer, forming a Cloud VPS. Each has its own operating system, which allows running the hosting software for multiple clients simultaneously. The VPS also permits the user to install any software which is suitable to run on their operating system. It also has various applications software for e-commerce and blogging.

How a VPS Works

The entire process under VPS hosting is virtual. It provides competence and flexibility at affordable rates. Different servers are hosted under a single physical server via the software used to accomplish this process – known as a hypervisor.

Hypervisor divides the physical server from the other servers, without releasing hosting customer privacy. It’s responsible for keeping client operating systems completely separate from one another using virtualization. It is also considered more secure than other software virtualization approaches.

A VPS also can be unmanaged administration where clients are responsible for the technical details and running of the server.  More and more clients are making the switch to managed hosting because it enables hosting company experts to handle technical details, while clients continue managing their business operations instead.

Profits of a VPS

The Significance of Virtualization

Thanks to VPS architecture, data can be stored separately from another server. It helps the client to customize it according to their convenience. The problem of expanding the capacity of email or other data can be solved by VPS hosting elasticity. Apart from this, it also protects the privacy of the data with recovery facilities.

What is a Managed VPS?

A managed VPS is completely executed and managed by experts and controlled by the supplier.  One does not need to have any technical knowledge about VPS when purchasing managed VPS hosting. The supplier takes care of all the issues, making it ideal for small business owners.

In a managed VPS, there is no specific requirement of certain applications and software for server maintenance. In case of any error, you can always consult the supplier.  Due to its tremendous options and high maintenance, the demand for managed VPS is increasing rapidly.

Benefits of a Managed VPS

About Known Host

There are various sites which provide VPS hosting, one of them is KnownHost managed VPS hosting Specialist. They provide managed VPS hosting at affordable rates. Their packages include enterprise-grade high performance and SSD drives as standard.

They provide 100{b96076133fe2223c8d05470fe9428b3312879515b4c32f98bade61cbd4879fe1} managed VPS server administration with free backups and migrations. They have packages which include low-cost and high-performance managed VPS hosting. Here, you can choose 2 different industry standard control panels. KnownHost allows you to upgrade your VPS, which increases the speed of the hosting and backups can be easily restored.


As the growth of managed VPS hosting and virtualization is increasing, this is a great time to consider a managed SSD VPS or managed Cloud SSD VPS for your hosting needs.  You’ll enjoy the great speeds, wonderful uptime and convenience of 100{b96076133fe2223c8d05470fe9428b3312879515b4c32f98bade61cbd4879fe1} fully managed to host.

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