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Why do we all need SEO to sustain online presence?

Imagine having your website and not being able to generate a reach for it. It would be quite frustrating and all the effort that was put into it goes un-noticed. Search Engine Optimization takes care of just that.

Wikipedia defines SEO as a process that affects the visibility of a website in a web search. SEO falls under internet marketing strategy. So basically, the SEO considers the way how the search engines operate, keywords, and terms used by people to search, algorithms that control the search engine behavior and the preference of the general targeted audience.

A basic SEO service provider would help increase the number of visitors to a web page based on high-ranking placements in the search results page of a search engine by using the practice of the search engine optimization.

But is SEO used only for generating hits? The answer to this is, NO! The reason why the companies adopt the SEO process is due to the following:

1. There is an increased opportunity

SEO helps a website to climb up the rank of a search engine. This gives an exposure to the webpage and the product that the webpage is promoting. If the product is clicked with the targeted audience, it would really be a boost for the product. Also, a great approach towards increasing the business.

2. Establishes trust

It is 40{b96076133fe2223c8d05470fe9428b3312879515b4c32f98bade61cbd4879fe1} likely that people would open the first link of Google for any searches that they have processed. So, imagine being the website that comes up on top of the list of other Google searches. It provides a boost of morale as well for the company. If the page is getting more hits, it is likely that people would be more invested in it and a greater feedback can be received for product improvements.

3. Better than regular ads

The regular ads only convert 2 percent out of 1000 visitors into a sale. They have also mentioned that when SEO is applied 4 percent is converted. This is a better return on investment.  Moreover, SEO ensures that you get meaningful clicks and not just stray clicks that don’t materialize in profits for your company. So even if you see a fall in traffic, rest assured that it’s only the useless clicks that have been removed by SEO.

4. Provides an edge

With tools that have been provided online for free, the development of web pages has been made easier. Anyone could pick up a laptop and create a webpage from scratch within a day or even a few hours. This could be looked at from either end of the positive and negative spectrum. Playing the devil’s advocate, the rise of other rival webpages is very imminent and the only way to stay stiff on the ground would be to promote the webpage better than the rivals. The best way for it would be using SEO.  It saves you countless amount of money to invest in SEO rather than plastering your brand everywhere which may even end up having a negative effect.

5. It’s a step in the right direction

Right steps would only guide us through. All the efforts would go in vain if we are not able to promote our creation properly.  Marketing plays a big role. If we are able to get a reach, we can gather mass and reframe the webpage with time. The first thing would be to get a reach. SEO is a good way to get one.  SEO allows you to tailor your reach to the target audience. This means that you can effectively reach more and more people amongst the right population people. It allows you to target people from a certain age group or region who are most likely to buy your product.

The SEO companies in Atlanta and around the globe who provide SEO services help in just that. Around 140,000 websites were launched every day since 2012. This clearly shows how competitive the field is. Software being more accessible to the mass adds a more negative point to the competition. Anyone with a laptop could go live with his/her website from anywhere provided that they have access to the internet.  This huge volume of sites generated necessitates separating the wheat from the chaff.

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