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Why do you need an Applicant Tracking System?

Applicant tracking systems made their appearance only around two decades ago. However, there aren’t many organizations that have understood the importance of an Applicant Tracking System or ATS. How about learning why you should go with a capable application tracking system? The following points should provide you with a great idea into why Applicant tracking Systems should be an important option to go with.

Why do You Need an Applicant Tracking System?

An applicant tracking system is an excellent option for you if you are an HR professional. However, not many professionals agree on this point and tend to keep the option away. Possibly, we should be able to pinpoint the exact benefits that an ATS system offers them if we want to convince them into believing in the efficiency of the service.

It saves you money

Automated tasks will mean your recruitment process and the recruiter’s costs are reduced to a considerable extent. Your recruiters will tend to do more positive work in lesser time and thus will be more productive.

There are several ways an application tracking system can be beneficial. It lets you understand exactly which source provides the best candidates. Equipped with that knowledge, you can avoid the channels, ads, and profiles that may not bring any positive effects. You can even use the system to build talent pools. This will mean whenever you want to find any candidate for a future requirement; you will be able to get your candidates or even the right recruitment right away.

It saves you time

An applicant tracking system streamlines and automates a host of tasks with respect to the recruiting process. Capable systems like Greenhouse ATS systems help you automate each of the steps right from resume building to the final recruitment.

As soon as the application is filed by the applicant, the system will create a rich resume, save their details, screen the applications and eliminate those candidates who do not qualify. Thus, you will be left with the cream of the candidate’s list to pick from. In fact, it can even automate interview schedules. It will also mean you will be able to minimize the expert’s requirements for sourcing and screening the candidates.

Improved experience for the candidates

The application tracking systems enhance the candidate experience, and this can go a long way in promoting your brand image as the best recruiter. This can help you attract more capable kind of candidates to your job opening.

In fact, the lack of proper communication can pull away from the right candidates from applying at your firm. Bad candidate experience is what is caused by improper communication. A good applicant tracking system will help you establish good communication with your candidate right from the application status to the final hiring. A good ATS will have a built-in recruiting email template so that the information can be automated and sent in bulk. You can go with the personalized email messages. You can even create an optimized career website for an enhanced experience.

Legal Compliance at its best

The Application tracking system will help your HR division make sure that your processes comply with the rules and regulations. This will remove the possibility of human error and any sort of bias.

No matter which region you are from, you should be abiding by the regulations that govern the recruitment process. In fact, US and EU regions have stringent rules governing a proper recruitment process. Non-compliance with these guidelines can lead you being fined for non-compliance. Choice of a good Application tracking system should help you keep up with the compliance standards and guidelines.

A streamlined experience of recruitment

An ATS will definitely provide you with an enhanced experience with respect to your recruitment process. A streamlined and simplified application tracking system should invariably lead you up to the best level of hiring.

A single platform that suits all should be what makes an Application Tracking system a formidable choice by all standards. You need not switch between multiple platforms for getting your work done. A perfect Application tracking system will be helpful enough in addressing your recruitment related tasks in one go as you will have access to all the functionalities you needed including email, excel spreadsheets, calendar, mobile phone, job boards, social media, your company web page, candidate testing tools, and video interviewing tools.


That is how an ATS system should help you achieve the goals of an effective recruitment system. If you are someone looking for the best experience in terms of streamlining your recruiting process and make the most out of it, opting for the best ATS system should be on your mind.

Have you been using an applicant tracking system for the hiring system of your organization? If you haven’t yet made a decision, the points we shared above should help you make that decision clearer.

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